The Future Scientists visited Sandy Ridge Metropark in Lorain County with the hopes of spotting waterfowl migrants. Upon entering the wetland, the Future Scientists were greeted with calls of spring peepers and a magnificent bald eagle sighting. The binocular view was good, the camera view not so good.
Waterfowl seen during the day included blue-winged teal, green-winged teal, widgeon, lesser scaup, mallards, northern shovelers, ring-necked ducks and redheads.

A painted turtle was seen basking above the icy chill. Perhaps a few beams of sunlight warmed a few molecules of the turtle on this overcast morning. Spring must be coming!

Many dead fish were seen at Sandy Ridge. Our naturalist (who happened to be a former CMNH Future Scientist!) explained that when the reservoir was frozen over during the winter, the water was unable to pick up oxygen. Fish with higher oxygen requirements such as these sunfish (pictured) and bass would not fare so well. Other fish with lower oxygen requirements, like catfish and carp were not as affected.

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